Comic example #3….and #4…….ok and #5.


Death Vigil



…….well, where oh where do I begin?

Artist Nebezial is truly, truly a master of all things comic book. Character design, highlighting and shading, DEATAILS, story line, flow, layout, just everything! There is absolutely never bad I could say about his work. If you don’t believe me just take a look yourself.

Comic example #2


Requiem Mask

As a second example I chose the series Requiem Mask by Iron-Gibbet Studios. I have not read the story from the very beginning but it is a fanfic of The Phantom of the Opera. It is currently in it’s 4th chapter consisting of a total of 164 pages so far.

The artist and writer, Chelsey & Alex Román, are actually a married couple. They both are fantastic in both arts. Chelsey’s ability to give the characters a consistent detailed look and Román’s story telling are some of the best I have ever seen!

Comic example #1



I’m starting off with the big guns for my first example! This is not a single page, oh no, but a 15 page story. And on top of all that the artist Shamine King made this as her graduation project, partially animated, and with voice actors!

Shamine is a fantatic comic designer! She gives her characters so much life with their expressions and how easy it is to follow where to read. You can easily lose yourself into the story just like a good book can do.

Inspirational character design.


VFS Digital Design

Wow, I love dynamic poses and this one has plenty of movement in it with a some delicacy to it. It’s a beautiful picture of a woman, (I’m assuming oriental), with a cat/flighter’s hat swinging a crazy long chain mace. There is also some water blended looking colors in the background which softens the tense mood.

Inspirational pixel animation.


Gif Friday Owl

For the first inspirational image I chose a pixel animation of an owl. (Possibly a horned owl but not 100% sure.) I chose this piece for multiple reasons but the biggest reason is it’s an owl. I love them to pieces!

My other reasons is because I have become fascinated with pixel art work in general and how much detail, work, and time goes into making them. This also adds to that it’s also an animation. *Extra brownie points! Seriously, pixel animation is hard. I made one from a tutorial/base once and kept messing it up. Finally got it to work hours later but back to the subject that this proves making one from scratch shows some serious skills.

I also want to add that I like that this was really good realistic looking owl and not a simple cartoon version. The artist just keeps showing more and more dedication to their artwork.